ESP RFID Tool is a WiFi enabled tap for the Wiegand protocol, which is the most widespread protocol for proximity card reader systems. ESP RFID Tool can be installed in a reader to passively sniff and log Wiegand data.
The main target group for this device is 26-37bit HID cards. For known card types both the binary and hexidecimal data is displayed directly in the log file for easy badge identification and also in case a clone of a card may be needed. For unknown card types only the raw binary data is shown. The device was made primarily for data logging and while there is a transmit mode, it is an experimental feature. Access to the log files and various settings is provided via a web based interface. The device has WiFi capabilities and can be set up to spawn its own access point or set to connect to an existing network.
- Firmware: ESP RFID Tool Firmware
- Install Guide: Wiring Diagrams and Connector Options
- Other Documentation on ESP RFID Tool Github Main Page
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