Chameleon Ultra Devices
Android & iOS Apps
MTools BLE
- Slot & Dump Manage
- UID Changer: Gen1a, Gen2, Gen3, Gen4
- Gen4 GUI Tools
- MFkey32
Windows & MacOS Program
Chameleon Ultra GUI
- USB Connection
- Nested Attack for key recovery
- Magic card writing
Official Python CLI
Python-based CLI
- RFID knowledge for starter
- Nested attack for Mifare Classic
- lf em410 tag reader and writer
- hf 14a raw supported
Chameleon Ultra Posts
Trouble Shooting
Can Chameleon Ultra write T5577?
Yes. But when T5577 was not be written with ID information, the tag cannot be detected by Chameleon Ultra.
After that you can write ID to T5577 with Chameleon Ultra on MTools BLE App or CLI tool.
Why my Chameleon Ultra does not working on LF?
If you’re on black version of RRG Chameleon Ultra, there exists LF antenna issues. You only need to replace the bottom board with the seller.
Does Chameleon Ultra work as the Mifare Classic reader?
Yes, you can use the Mifare Classic Dump Tool in MTools BLE to read the Mifare Classic card.