How to clone Mifare Ultralight tag to ChameleonUltra

Cloning Mifare Ultralight tags to ChameleonUltra is a straightforward process that can be accomplished using the MTools BLE App, available for both iOS and Android devices. This tutorial will guide you through the steps to successfully clone your Mifare Ultralight tags to ChameleonUltra. Steps to do Mifare Ultralight Clone Step 1: Connect to ChameleonUltra First, […]

[Solved] Emulate NDEF on PN532

PN532 can emulate as NDEF with TgInitAsTarget commands, but it can not works with just a single command, after that it also needs to use TgGetData and TgSetData commands to communicate with the reader. The code on Arduino – emulate_tag_ndef.ino requires a host controller, which is the Arduino board or some other board like ESP32 […]

Proxmark3 X vs Proxmark3 RDV4.01

When it comes to advanced RFID and NFC tools, the Proxmark3 X and Proxmark3 RDV4.01 stand out as powerful devices. Both are designed for professional and enthusiast users who need to handle various RFID tasks, but they each have their distinct features and capabilities. This article aims to provide a detailed comparison between the Proxmark3 […]

PN532 vs PN532Killer

In the realm of smart cards and wireless communications, PN532 and PN532Killer are two products that garner significant attention. They differ in features and capabilities when it comes to handling RFID and NFC communications. This article provides a detailed comparison of these two devices to aid users in making an informed choice. Main Chip • […]

How to fix connection failed on UHF Reader

What cause the connection failed on UHF Reader Program How to install the driver for UHF Reader? Baud Rate Issues in UHF Reader There are 2 module in UHF Reader, one is an adaptive baud rate serial communication module and another one is UHF module. The default baud rate between serial module and UHF module […]

How to solve Serial Communication Error on Piswords UHF Reader

While using the Piswords UHF Reader with the provided software UHFReader09demo_en on their website, it always show Serial Communcation Error like the screenshot below. We’ve done a lot of testing, such as reboot the laptop, reinstall the latest CP210X driver, try the program in another language version but no luck. And after checking with our […]

How to use mfkey32 on ChameleonUltra devices

What’s mfkey32? MFKey32 is a technique used against Mifare Classic cards to retrieve sector data without the proper key by exploiting weaknesses in its Crypto1 encryption. It involves capturing data from card-reader interactions during two authentication attempts, then leveraging the MFKey32 algorithm to reverse-engineer the key used by the reader, ultimately revealing the original state […]

Chameleon & MTools BLE Review by RED TEAM

In the Christmas of 2023, the new version of MTools BLE released with the Magic cards reading and writing function on Chameleon Ultra. And our dev Wilson post it as the Christmas gift for everyone on twitter. Christmas gift for everyone 🎄MTools BLE supports fully and partially formatting and writing sectors on Ordinary Mifare Classic, […]

Unleashing the Power of Chameleon Ultra through MTools BLE App

A new wave of tech innovation was ushered in with the introduction of the Chameleon Ultra in 2023. Its ease of use, versatility of features, and compatibility with the MTools BLE App has been a game-changer, making it easier than ever to write on a myriad of cards, including Mifare Classic, gen1A (Chinese Magic card), […]

How to fix soft-bricked Magic Tag?

What is the soft-bricked Magic Tag? The soft-bricked means the magic card is set with the wrong configuration and cannot be identified or detected by the readers or the NFC on the phone. And it still can be fixed.  What may result in soft-brick? Which soft-brickeded Magic tag can be fixed? How to fix soft-brick […]