Monthly Archives: February 2020

How to do Infinite Clone on Mifare Classic and Ultralight Card

There’s a NEW feature on Ver.20200223_R1 of MTools, named Infinite Clone, which will help you to clone Mifare Classic Card and Mifare Ultralight Tag much easier and save your time.

How To Preview Expression And Data Before Writing Back

After all the value bytes and check bytes have been marked and all expressions have been added, we need to confirm if the data generated by MTools is valid or not.

How To Use Expression Helper in MTools

MTools uses the mXparser library, so it can fully calculate with all the algorithms provided by mXparser. mXparser Website: In most cases, the calculation method used by Mifare Classic cards is XOR, sum, negation, CRC, etc. in logical operations. When summing consecutive bytes, you need to repeat the input. In order to save time […]

How to clone Mifare Ultralight Tag on Android

Today, NFC tags are widely used in various fields, such as product information, authenticity verification, etc. Sometimes we need to clone NFC tags to fit more of the same application scenarios. This article will show how to clone NFC tags quickly with MTools.