Card Type | |||
Protocol | |||
Amount | 1 pc, 5 pcs, 10 pcs |
UID Length | |||
Working Frequency | |||
Memory | |||
Device Support | ACR122U, iCopy-XS, PN532, Proxmark3 X, Chameleon Ultra, Proxmark3 RDV4 |
Card Type | Protocol | ||
Amount | 1 pc, 5 pcs, 10 pcs |
UID Length | |
Working Frequency | Memory | ||
Device Support | ACR122U, iCopy-XS, PN532, Proxmark3 X, Chameleon Ultra, Proxmark3 RDV4 |
Environmental Performance
Working Temperature | -20°C-70°C |
Working Temperature | -20°C-70°C |
Android App | |||
iOS App | |||
Android App | iOS App |
Weight | 0.1 kg |
Dimensions | 8.55 × 5.3 × 0.08 cm |
Card Type | |
Protocol | |
Amount | 1 pc, 5 pcs, 10 pcs |
UID Length | |
Working Frequency | |
Memory | |
Backdoor Command | |
Working Temperature | -20°C-70°C |
Android App | |
iOS App | |
Device Support | ACR122U, iCopy-XS, PN532, Proxmark3 X, Chameleon Ultra, Proxmark3 RDV4 |
Ordinary card VS Chinese magic card
How to clone an Mifare Classic to a CUID card?
Block 0 of the CUID card is changeable, so you just need to write block 0 or full dump to the CUID card with the NFC device.
If the BCC byte or SAK byte is invalid, MTools will not write block 0 to prevent damaging the card.
How to clone a card to UID card and UFUID card?
Both the UID card and UFUID card has backdoor command, so you can use PN532, ACR122U or Proxmark 3 to write dump back to data without keyA or keyB.
Command line to write dump file:
  nfc-mfclassic W a u card.mfd
Command line to change UID:
  nfc-mfsetuid 11223344
1-click to clone on Android:
  Check out tutorial with MTools >>
How to change the UID with PN532?
We released PN532 CLI for PN532 and PN532Killer to change the UID super easy.
What’s the difference between UID card and UFUID card?
Both types of cards are responded to the backdoor commands which can be read, written, or cloned without key verification.
After locking, the UFUID card can be changed to an ordinary Mifare Classic Card. This operation cannot be reversed currently.
I am extremely satisfied.
Tested on Ehuoyan ER300L nfc reader. This reader recognizes 4 Byte 1K S50 clones. Ufuid card lock on linux operating system. Device used: ACR122U-A9
(Important: You must have libnfc, otherwise it will not work.)
1. mkdir ufuid
2. cd ufuid
3. git clone https://github.com/duament/nfc-mflock
4. cd nfc-mflock
5. autoreconf -vis
6. ./configure
7. nproc
8. sudo make -j x
9. sudo make install -j x
10. nfc-mfsetuid xxxxxxxx
11. ./nfc-mflock (this command locks the card)
Thank you for the sharing and tutorial.
Also we’ve released the new functions for ACR122U in MTools app. It can read and write Mifare Classic Gen1.
I was able to successfully clone my cards using this Chinese Magic Card. It works as advertised.
I was able to clone my cards without any issues using this Chinese Magic Card. Very pleased with my purchase.
This Chinese Magic Card really works. I was able to clone successfully without any issues!
Magic cards received and working as expected.