This tutorial is suitable for both M1 Chip and Intel Chip Macs. It is also suitable for Windows and Linux users. The only difference is that you need to install the driver for Windows and Linux users. The driver can be downloaded from the official website of proxmark3. The driver is not required for macOS users.
Install Homebrew
Homebrew is a package manager for macOS. It is used to install software on macOS. If you have installed Homebrew, you can skip this step.
Open the terminal and enter the following command to install Homebrew:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Install Proxmark3
Open the terminal and enter the following command to install Proxmark3:
brew install proxmark3
How to use Proxmark3
Choose the Running Mode of Proxmark3 X
There are 3 modes on Proxmark3 X. Mode 0 is the default mode. It is used to run Proxmark3 on your computer. Mode 1 is used to run Proxmark3 with Bluetooth connections. Mode 2 is used to run independent ID Tag clone mode, which is no need to run Proxmark3 with a computer or phone.
Connect Proxmark3
Proxmark3 X contains a Micro-USB port and a USB-C port. You can connect Proxmark3 to your computer with a USB cable. Notice that the Proxmark3 does not support dual-side USB-C cable. You need to use a USB-C to USB-A cable or a USB-C to Micro-USB cable. If there is only a USB-C port on your Mac, you need to use a USB-C to USB-A adapter.
Run Proxmark3
Open the terminal and enter the following command to run Proxmark3:
To show the port of Proxmark3, enter the following command:
ls /dev/tty.usbmodem*
To connect Proxmark3, enter the following command:
proxmark3 /dev/tty.usbmodem*
Get all commands
To get all commands, enter the following command:
Read High-Frequency Card
Proxmark3 X supports reading High-Frequency Card of 21 types, which include, ISO14443A RFIDs, ISO14443B RFIDs, ISO15693 RFIDs, Cipurse transport Cards, German Identification Cards, Machine Readable Travel Documents, ISO18902 / FeliCa RfIDs, FIDO, and FIDO2 authenticators, Jooki RFIDs, ICLASS RFIDs, LEGIC RFIDs, LTO Cartridge memory RFIDs, MIFARE RFIDs, MIFARE Plus RFIDs, MIFARE Ultralight RFIDs, MIFARE DESFire RFIDs, SEOS RFIDs, ST25TA RFIDs, Thinfilm RFIDs, Topaz RFIDs, and Waveshare NFC ePaper tags.
Read ISO14443A Card
To read ISO14443A Card, enter the following command:
hf 14a reader
To get the information about the ISO14443A Card, enter the following command:
hf 14a info
Auto Hack the Mifare Classic Card with Proxmark3
To auto-hack the Mifare Classic Card, enter the following command:
hf mf autopwn
Read Low-Frequency Card
Proxmark3 X supports reading Low-Frequency cards for 4 types, which include, EM4100, EM4102, EM4105, and EM4200.
Read and Search for valid known tag
lf search
Read UID of EM 410X Type TAG
lf em 410x reader
Write EM410x Tag ID to T55x7 or Q5/T5555 tag
lf em 410x clone --id 090009B3BA
Flash Firmware of Proxmark3 on MacOS
proxmark3 /dev/tty.usbmodem* --flash --unlock-bootloader --image bootrom.elf --image fullimage.elf