Mifare Classic Tool vs MTools

Mifare Classic Tool and MTools are the most welcome apps on Play Store which have well support for Mifare Classic cards. Mifare Classic Tools is an open-source app while MTools has paid features that need to be unlocked with an in-app purchase or the MTools activation code.

Rank on Play Store

Mifare Classic Tools is in the first position on Play Store while MTools is on the second one while searching Mifare Classic as the keywords.

Support Card Types

MTools and Mifare Classic Tool both support the Mifare Classic 1K Card and Mifare Classic 4K Card. Additionally, MTools supports NTAG, the Mifare Ultralight, and Mifare Magic Cards.

Mifare Classic ToolMTools
Mifare Classic 1KRead / WriteRead / Write / Change-UID
Mifare Classic 4KRead / WriteRead / Write / Change-UID
1st gen Magic CardRead / WriteRead / Write / Change-UID
2nd gen Magic CardRead / Write / Change-UIDRead / Write / Change-UID
UFUID CardRead / WriteRead / Write / Change-UID
NTAG×Read / Write
Mifare Ultralight ×Read / Write
Card types supported by Mifare Classic Tool and MTools

Support External Devices

MTools has the built-in driver for ACR122U and PN532, so it can easily communicate with the hardware easily just plug and play.

Mifare Classic ToolMTools
• Rooted required
• External NFC app installed.
USB Connection
Built-in SDK
PN532×USB Connection
PN532 Bluetooth×Bluetooth Connection
PCR532×USB & Bluetooth
Reader types supported by Mifare Classic Tool and MTools

Magic Card Clone(UID Changeable)

Mifare Classic ToolMTools
(External Reader Required)
(External Reader Required)
Reader types supported by Mifare Classic Tool and MTools

Key Features

ReadingAll SectorsAll Sectors
Single Sector
WritingDump to sectorDump to sector
Sector to sector
CloningOnly CUID CardAll magic cards
AnalyzingBetween 2 dumpsBetween 24 blocks
Colored1 standard structure5 built-in structures
Users can add more
Calculating×Read / Write
Charging×Read / Write
Card types supported by Mifare Classic Tool and MTools

Support Dump Type

support dump type of MTools Classic Tool and MTools

Import/Export Type

ImportDump File
Dump File
Card Rule
ExportDump File
Card Rule
Card List
Dump File
Charging Record
Import/Export file type of Mifare Classic Tool and MTools

BCC Calculation

Automatic Calculation×Support

7 thoughts on “Mifare Classic Tool vs MTools

    • admin says:

      By click the number before the content. It’s named the page is. The gray standards for disabled writing.

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